Event name
Holiday Lunch at Chez Sorokin
Sat 12 / 21 / 2024
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Private Address, please log in to see more
Who can attend
Members and Volunteers
Limited Capacity: 40 spots available
$10 donation to Marin Villages at the door.
Cherie Sorokin
Good friends and yummy food. Let's celebrate the season together! $10 donation to Marin Villages requested at the door. This is party is hosted jointly for members and volunteers of Tiburon Peninsula Village and Twin Cities Village. Space is limited to 50 people.
TPV members and volunteers please contact Cherie Sorokin to RSVP at [email protected] or 415 730-0204.
Members and volunteers from other villages may attend if space permits, but priority will be given to TPV and TWC members and volunteers. Contact Cherie Sorokin to see if space is available.
This will be an indoor event. There is plenty of street parking and there are no steps to enter the house. Address will be provided to those who sign up.
Please call the Marin Villages' office if you need a ride: 415-457-4633.